Course Syllabus

Syllabus: Algebra 1 Honors

Instructor(s): Mr. James Lee                                                                                           Course: Algebra 1                            

Text: HMH Algebra 1                                                                                                   Room: 806

Phone: 727-774-9200                                                      Email:


Philosophy:   Failure is unacceptable. The starting point of all mathematics courses at the high school level is Algebra 1. In order to achieve success in higher mathematical courses, the student must pass and have success in this course. There will be a math End of Course Exam at the end of the year that the student must pass in order to get their Algebra 1 credit. The state has mandated that all students must graduate with Algebra 1 or its equivalent, so passing this class and the Algebra 1 EOC is extremely important. Half of this test is done without use of a calculator. All students will be successful if they adhere to the keys to success below. If the student puts in the effort and work, I guarantee they will pass and be successful!

Attendance Policy and Make-up work:

It is the responsibility of each student's parent or guardian to explain his/her child's absence within two (2) days upon returning to school. Failure to provide requested documentation will result in unexcused absences. Excused absences guarantee students the right to make up any and all assignments assigned on the day[s] of absence at full credit. The student is responsible for asking the teacher to make-up tests the very next time they see them. Make-up notes and assignments can be found on the CANVAS website. Students have 2 days to complete make-up work for every 1 day they are absent. Work due to be turned in on the day of the excused absence will be turned in upon return and be given full credit. If the assignment is not done in this case, late credit will be given.

Keys to Success:

*Come to class prepared to learn

*Take good notes

*Don’t be afraid to ask questions

*Work on assignments as they are assigned.

*Be an active listener.

*Seek help when needed.

*Believe in yourself! Never give up. Know that if you put forth effort and believe you’re capable of doing well, YOU WILL BE SUCCESSFUL! We ALL have the ability to do well in math. Have confidence!!


Extra Help:

*After school by appointment only

*Opportunity Hall (Student monitored study hall. Listen for announcements.)

*Tutoring (By other teachers) I can give recommendations. Please feel free to email me about this.



eSembler is a web-based gradebook designed to increase parent involvement by allowing parents to access their student's grades. Although all faculty members are required to post grades online, parents and students should expect that a reasonable amount of "turnaround time" is needed to grade work and post it on eSembler. Parents, please check this regularly and make sure your child is doing their homework/assignments and making up/doing well on their tests/quizzes.  





All students are expected to arrive on time for each class period. A student who is later than five minutes to class is no longer considered tardy, but is considered skipping. However, if the student has an excused admit/note they will be excused. Students will be subject to classroom and school-wide disciplinary action as a result of tardiness.


Class Rules: Doing all of these things is key to having a positive environment


-No talking or walking around during lecture

-No making fun of or putting down other students

-Keeping head up during class

-Cell phones away during notes

-No yelling across the room

-No profanity

-Be helpful to your partner and don’t make them feel bad if they need help                                                                             

-Come to class on time.

-Come to class prepared to learn.



*One 1 ½ or 2 inch binders(These will be used daily to help keep your child organized)

*loose-leaf paper- (wide or college ruled)

*pencils/ erasers

*grading pens (colored ink other than black)


*scientific calculator (TI-30 or similar) for use in class when appropriate.


**Optional, but appreciated :)**

*Copier paper- this year there are restrictions on copies for teachers. If you could, out of all these items listed below, provide just paper it would greatly help me get to use the resources your child could benefit from!

*1 box of tissues

*hand sanitizer or disinfectant wipes

*package of expo dry erase markers

















Information about this class:                                       

Grades: The following scale will be used to determine report card grades for each quarter:

Grade             % range                                 GPA Scale                 Definition


A                      90 - 100                                 4 .5                Outstanding Progress

B                     80 - 89                                  3 .5                 Above Average Progress

C                     70 - 79                                  2.5                  Average Progress

D                     60 - 69                                  1 .5                 Lowest Acceptable Progress

F                      0 – 59                                                             No/ limited progress: Not acceptable


Report cards are to provide the student and/or the student's parents with an objective evaluation of the student's scholastic achievement, conduct, attendance and tardies. Report cards are issued quarterly for all students.

Students will be given a semester assessment. The purposes of giving the assessments are to provide instruction and experience in preparing for and taking comprehensive, cumulative assessments; to prepare students for post-secondary college course work; and to serve as a validation of mastery of the course content. The design of the semester assessments should provide an overview of the major course content and facilitate connections within and among key concepts and processes of the course work and is not limited to any one method.

Homework: Homework will be assigned daily and will be reviewed the following day. Students will take a homework quiz in class to check for understanding.  Homework solutions will be posted on Canvas for students to check their progress. It is crucial that students complete homework and ask questions when necessary in order to prepare for unit test.

Binders/folders: You will have a binder that will be used daily in class. Students will use the pages from the consumable textbook and place them in the binder. Students will also keep notes and any additional handouts in the binder. At the end of each quarter, binders will be checked. Students will be encouraged to keep all materials throughout the school year in order to study for the end of course test.

Tests/Quizzes: There will be at least one test/quiz given each unit. Point values will vary. The district is also requiring that students take a quarterly assessment in order to measure progress. Calculators will be allowed on only portions of these tests/quizzes. The majority of the student’s grade comes from test/quiz scores.

CHEATING is NEVER acceptable. Our school expects students to act with integrity; therefore, academic dishonesty will not be tolerated and will be treated as a serious breach to the Code of Student Conduct.

Discipline Plan: See the Mustang U Syllabus Addendum

Classroom Procedures:

  1. Students should head their papers in the upper right corner. They need to write their name, date, assignment, and period.
  2. Students will turn their work in directly to me.
  3. Make up work/notes will be posted on CANVAS
  4. If you are in need of supplies, ask your partner and surrounding peers first. If they do not have what you need, please let me know. (Pencil, paper, etc.) I will have some supplies available for occasional use.

Textbooks/ supplemental reading: Students will keep their textbooks at home, unless announced by the teacher in advance to bring them to school. Workbooks will be kept in the classroom at all times.

What can I do to help my child??


  1. Homework assignments are given almost every night. Make sure your child is working on them nightly. Even if you can’t help them, make sure the progression of assignments is being made. You can also log into Canvas to see what assignments/notes are given.


  1. Expect progress reports and report cards when they come out. Contact me with any questions.

Sept 25- Progress Report Q1

Nov 2- Report Card Q1

Nov 20- PR Q2

Jan 25- RC Q2

Feb 19- PR Q3

Apr 4- RC Q3

May 6- PR Q4

June 15- RC Q4


  1. E-mail is the BEST way to get in touch with me. E-mail me about your child’s progress.


  1. Extra help is available upon request. I will try to accommodate after school tutoring when I can.


  1. Opportunity Hall with student and teacher tutors should be available shortly after school starts.


  1. Attend open house


  1. Grades and attendance will be posted online through “Esembler”. Chart your child’s progress.


  1. Use “CANVAS”. It’s an online website where you can see what is going on in my class.


  1. Remind: text @d1229 to 81010   (I send important reminder text messages)


Thank you for your cooperation and support in the above matters.



Mr. James Lee




Parent/Guardian must:

  1. Read the entire syllabus with your student(s).
  2. Sign and return only the acknowledgement page (last page) to Mr. Lee no later than 9/4/15. Both the parent/guardian and the student must sign the acknowledgment page.




Acknowledgment Page


I have read, understand, and agree with the contents of the syllabus.


_________________________ ______________________________ ______________

             parent/guardian name             parent/guardian signature                 date



_________________________ ______________________________ ______________

             student name                            student signature                                 date


Course Summary:

Date Details Due